An Older Adult Skips Bathing? Maybe there’s a Reason
Older people may not have the sense of smell that they had when younger, or that you might have so they may feel less than enthused about a daily bath. Again, your approach could be to simply invite them to go out for a walk or something. That might be enough for them to get to freshen up out of habit.

How to Get Rid of the Urine Smell When Incontinence Accidents Happen
Incontinence accidents can happen for anyone with this health challenge, but when a person lives with dementia, preventing them is going to be a bigger problem, as you’re experiencing. Since I hear from a lot of caregivers...

Exciting News at Egosan! Streamlined Website and Even Easier Customer Service
“We use this diaper for my 94-year-old grandad with advancing Alzheimer's Disease. It’s the only diaper that helps him sleep through the night.” …Linda T
The quote above by Linda T. made my heart sing! As a caregiving writer who hears from readers regularly as well as a caregiver of many years who participates in caregiving groups, one question that I hear repeatedly is how to take care of someone with incontinence who lives with dementia, as well. Changing beds at night is frustrating and ex...

What’s Your Story? Help Egosan Eliminate the Stigma of Incontinence
Why would he do this? At age 38, Matt feels strong enough to know that putting sharing his incontinence story will help others, of course, but being public about it will also help him. He wants to work to eliminate stigma and shame that surrounds incontinence.

Incontinent at Age 22, Matt Tells His Story to Help Others
"If it weren’t for companies like Egosan I would be stuck in a bind, especially with the pandemic going on and money being tight. They reached out and are helping in this hard time."

New to Caregiving: How Do I Keep from Going Under?
The less obvious part is what I call “creep up.” That is what happened to me both in the number of people who needed help as well as each person’s increasing needs. In creep up, you handle the little things, and it’s not a huge deal. You add a little more and manage a crisis or two. Okay, you did it. Then, well...

Lose the Stigma About Incontinence: Even Young People Can be Affected
Dear SL: You are entirely right to feel left out of the incontinence discussions. I’m glad that you’ve found some support through groups, but we’d like you to know that we’ll also do our best to support you...

Changing Bedding and Protecting Furniture Challenges Alzheimer’s Caregivers
Dear WW: I’m so sorry! You aren’t alone with this frustration but I’m sure it often seems that you are, particularly when changing your dad’s sheets in the middle of the night. People who live with dementia will nearly always develop incontinence if they live into the last stages. That is because...

November Rocks! Egosan Celebrates Alzheimer’s, Palliative and Hospice Care, and Family Caregivers Awareness
November is a month of awareness and Egosan is eager to be part of these celebrations. So, let’s begin by letting you know just what’s up in health awareness for this month that ends with a focus on gratitude...

Confused About Palliative Care Vs. Hospice Care? You Aren’t Alone
Dear CV: I’m sorry about your mom’s health. We can feel so helpless when we watch a loved one suffer and the doctors to whom we look for advice seem to give up. Let's take a look at both programs to help clarify the differences for you. Then you can talk directly with your mom's physicians to see if one of them can help get her started on the best option for her at this time.